Disclosure Agreement (DA)


This Disclosure Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and among the following parties:


for the purpose of allowing disclosure of Information as defined below.

The parties agree to share and enter into a relationship with respect to the disclosure of certain proprietary and valuable information ("Information") with full transparency; without duration limit and without forcing laws.

1. Definition of  Information: For purposes of this Agreement, "Information" shall include all information, information flow and all details about the project called "upperme". Information maybe in written form, can be transmitted orally, or can be shared by any perceptible and imperceptible means.

2. Key words and reasoning:

Agreement. It consists reasons and the way how to transfer thoughts, knowledge, concerns and efforts based on mutual respect, understanding and joy during the span of the project among parties.

Disclosure. State of openness. Accessible. No copyright. No patent. No hypocrisy. No theft.

Information/Information Flow. Creating relationship and conversion mechanism of smaller-semistatic information particles into larger-bio-dynamic information clouds. It includes the information to create "upperme" and also the information accumulated by "upperme".

Means (perceptible and imperceptible). Besides classical communication (written and oral), other means such as pendulum, dream, hallucination, meditation, and telepathy are complementary to perceive the information flow and Information itself.

Upperme. It is derived by a form of social media that allows combination of related categorized text (or in other terms, small-semistatic information particles), hence to create larger-bio-dynamic information clouds; information clouds enriched by perspective and dimension.

3. Primary Categories:


4. Project upperme:

Every object of knowledge is known – not as a result of its own nature, but of the nature of those who comprehend it. Boethius, 525 AC. 

A constructive information system; it is not created by a single person but by many who are, most probably, personally unrelated but in the same field of interest, investigation and experience. The technology used to search, dataware, understand and summarize related categorized text is Web 3.0 along with artificial intelligence. The combined and larger bio-dynamic information cloud forms "upperme", that is a very enriched form of each initial smaller-semistatic information particles. Thus, new perspectives and dimensions are emerged that allow anyone to have advantage of time with higher accuracy to get that specific group of information, experience, knowledge and other related output.

Primary technical aspects:

o Web 3.0
o Artificial Intelligence and NLP

5. Atonal Approach:

6. Circular Dynamics:

7. Practical Output - An Example:

---  more details soon  ---

(We will detail together, approach...)

Kolundan çekerler. Bilgi her iki yöne birden gidemez. Bir tarafı seçmeye zorlanır.

Hırs, korkunun dostudur. Gizli güç kendini karanlığa gömer. Güneşsizdir. Sahibi sert ifadelidir, çoğu zaman alaycıdır; alçaktır. Bilgi hapsedilmiştir; çoğu zaman etik değerleri yokedilerek ticarileşir.

Diğer yön ise açıklıktır, ışıktır; cesaretlidir, özgürdür. Bu tarafta patent, fikri mülkiyet veya tescil talebi yoktur. Samimiyetle gülümser veya üzgünse ağlar. Bilgi bu yönde başka bilgilerle buluşur, yeşerir, büyür; dönüşür ve daha büyük gerçekliklere ulaşır. İnsanlık, doğa ve evrenle bütün olur, büyüklük taslayan yoktur.

"My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody."  Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1982.

 “Benim öğretimde, eğer duymak istediğiniz kelime buysa, telif hakkı diye birşey yoktur. Tüm bunları çoğaltma, dağıtma, yorumlama, yerme, bozma, çarpıtma, her ne yapmak istiyorsanız, hatta üzerinde hak iddia etme hakkına sahipsiniz, benim iznimi veya her hangi bir başkasının iznini almadan , sormadan…” Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1982.