Why in English? I wish to thank to my professor Dr. Amir Tavakoli for all his efforts during my studies at Case Western Reserve University (1988-89) and would like to invite him to our discussion...
1. Boundless dimension (as per social, economics, ecology, time, love and other aspects)
2- Perceiving the amorphous
3- Flow
4- Continue to flow (no estimate, no conclusion, but hope)
5- "so what?" analysis
1. Boundless dimension (as per social, economics, ecology, time, love and other aspects)
Poem and music are among "other aspects" of boundless dimension. "Other aspects" are not necessarily subject to be extreme cases, nor exceptional. Moreover, they can be crucial and dominant on other parameters of dimension.
For instance, Renaissance had witnessed the leadership of art for most forms of politics and moral values at Europe. Pitching technics of native languages and musical derivations are breathing heritage for most African societies at their daily lives: one word, unlimited tones (nuance of pitch) and throughout, a span of different meanings. Renaissance was a project of three centuries long. Music with language is base to all social projects, either explicit or rashly overlooked.
Developing a project on well defined, sharp rules or suggesting an atonal and amorphous one?
From classical point of view, defining project objective is a primary task. If we deal with life values, a strict objective can't adapt dynamics of flow this is why it fails in most cases. Alternative approach may be clouding; no boundary, no claim, no certainty...
Clouding allows "boundless dimension" for the following 5 aspects such as:
1- Social: People that surround the project are not identical; rather, they are unique identities who need closer relation for mutual understanding and bi-directional transfer of knowledge and cultural values. Latter may help to re-edit the project.
2- Economics: It is not only the face value of money. Traditions, ceremonies, stories and food are part of economical value; cultural treasure as a great potential for economics motivation. Note that economics, in real terms, is managing the use of scarce resources.
3- Ecology: All living and non-living world around the society. The way to read and compose the story out of it determines the sustainability level and happiness potential for all.
4- Time: It should not apply as a duration unit per activity, but rather a span of positioning with the assembly of related activites. Does time or activity dominate on the other one? What defines the correlation of dominance? How can one measure the necessary time for a given activity? (By the way, how do we define an activity?). We can read this article and get some further ideas how does time do not mean same to all of us.
5- Love: It must surely be there, with no definition.
Let's call the above items as '5 aspects'.
Surprisingly, our objective does not exist; it is rather 'possible intention' in the cloud. The reason why we call "possible" is because the intention itself may vary and become totally different (even absurd) during project and its experience output.
2- Perceiving the amorphous
If somebody or God had told us about all dimensions that form the life, it would rather be easier to draw the picture and formulate the geometry for major and all dependent sub-elements, such as feelings, instincs, dreams and even soul. On the other hand, we pretend, more or less, to have discovered it. But, charming truth is that we do not have this information.
A discovery, like a symphony, bears the harmony among parts and have a final, as it has a precise beginning, like an ouverture. A person who listen any symphony for the very first time may have some predictions about its composer, about the playing movement, and even about orchestra and conductor in some cases. But these are called predictions. Additionally, in most of the time, that symphony to that person can not be more than amorphous in terms of syllable and meaning, if not matured in years.
A life project elements are more than notes of music. We can't never know if it exists an ouverture and when the final is. Whatever the project is, unpredictability and so the amourphous picture need care and patience to be understood; at least, to be perceived.
Each morning is different from one another. Time effects us differently during morning and afternoon. An afternoon sun ray is different from sunset time, that difference change behaviour of bees. Our trees' effectiveness depends on soil, air, and water quality, and thousands of others factors with bees. Which did you perceive for your 'Walnut Forest Project'? If Fukuoka, whom I deeply respect for all his efforts to create the most ecological agricultural, was simply right, our planet or at least Japan should have become a paradise. However (how ever?) Japan has still a very high rate of conventional agricultural; according to IFOAM & FiBL (2006), the area under organic management in Japan is around 30 thousands hectares which constitutes 0.60% of the total agricultural land.
Local truth drives us sometimes to good solutions, and sometimes to dissappointments of goodwill. Do we have ability to change the local truth (by the way, do we have the right to do so) ? If yes (if we are almost confident that it is "yes"), we must 'perceive the amourphous', and give time needed for it; rather than creating quick-wizard recipes of usual projects.
3- Flow
It is either a brook, or human psychology or a spiritual act. When talking of flow, any matter within the flow is soft, positive, calm; focused on life. This brings the interrelation of "things" (or, activities as project people prefer to call) and all these things in the flow are becoming peaceful.
If we use our sample of symhony, array of notes consists of all values a flow bears in nature.
What if this music is composed by Schoenberg and not Beethoven?
Magic word is "wave". Beyond the classical structuring concepts such as group, part, category, etc, the wave is a much more boundless space, and still embracing the sub-elements or the 5 aspects of item #1.
Wave is allowance and tolerance capacity applicable for atonal projects, or for music of Arnold Schoenberg, or for anything that does not make sense to somebody while it means much for others (e.g. Gezi).
Flowing waves are harmony
Stones, fishes, sun and wind
Come along all atonal
Creating a tonal universe
Are chaos and atonality different or same?
Let's first look at Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Chaos: (1) complete confusion and disorder, a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything. (2) the state of the universe before there was any order and before stars and planets were formed.
Atonal: marked by avoidance of traditional musical tonality; especially, organized without reference to key or tonal center and using the tones of the chromatic scale impartially.
Britannica suggests "atonality" as follows:
"In music, the absence of functional harmony as a primary structural element. The reemergence of purely melodic-rhythmic forces as major determinants of musical form in the Expressionist works of Arnold Schoenberg and his school prior to World War I was a logical, perhaps inevitable consequence of the weakening of tonal centres in 19th-century post-Romantic music. By the time of Richard Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, for example, the emphasis on expressive chromaticism had caused successive chords to relate more strongly to each other than to a common tonic firmly established by intermittent harmonic cadences."
And, Britannica summarizes "chaos theory":
"In mechanics and mathematics, it is the study of apparently random or unpredictable behaviour in systems governed by deterministic laws. A more accurate term, “deterministic chaos,” suggests a paradox because it connects two notions that are familiar and commonly regarded as incompatible. The first is that of randomness or unpredictability, as in the trajectory of a molecule in a gas or in the voting choice of a particular individual from out of a population. In conventional analyses, randomness was considered more apparent than real, arising from ignorance of the many causes at work. In other words, it was commonly believed that the world is unpredictable because it is complicated. The second notion is that of deterministic motion, as that of a pendulum or a planet, which has been accepted since the time of Isaac Newton as exemplifying the success of science in rendering predictable that which is initially complex."
Would you take a cup of coffee and listen to an example of Anton Webern's atonal music, played by Glenn Gould:
It is evident that we can not detect a structural harmony; but what about musical harmony, or in other terms, the feelings? Feeling, one at a time interval, dark or bright, hopeless or joyful, calm or anxious, it is facetiously there, even at an atonal choice.
Can we call it also as "chaos"? It seems to me that, - like dictionaires suggest, chaos and atonality are not the same although they have common characters that urge us to flow into boundless.
Let's discuss on an example...
Wave lenghts do not represent any precise data but just descriptive in order to visualise the possible expression style.
Any activity description (social impact), duration of that activity, and resources & effects of that activity (ecological, economical, etc) is function of above given three parameters; keeping in mind boundless character of our project elements.
Now, let's examine the behaviour patterns according to unit prices (and these patterns form activity clouds) and let's attribute a "free time" parameter for each case of the farmer. Let's assume this "free time" is used for proficiency training according to each farmer's production objectives (as a sustainable rural development project).
i- PHASE I: increasing prices period
ii- PHASE II: decreasing prices period
ia) Group a behavior for phase I: all family is concentrared on its own production capacity development (abroad family member leaves job and comes back), sales tru middle-man.
... ia-1: fresh products.
... ia-2: manufactured products out of own standard fresh products.
ib) Group b behavior for phase I: (ia) behavior except for that sales are made direct to end-user.
... ib-1: fresh products.
... ib-2: manufactured products out of own standard fresh products.
ic) Group c behavior for phase I: farmer and familiy do not change attitude for production as prices were same level or lower.
iia) Group a behavior for phase II: family breaks down, young generation leave production and village for job and better economical conditions.
... iia-1: fresh products.
... iia-2: manufactured products out of own standard fresh products.
... iia-3: additional jobs in and around village (for the member who stays at village)
iib) Group b behavior for phase II: ( iia) behaviour + changing product type for production in order to reach better prices.
... iib-1: new type of fresh products.
... iib-2: manufactured products out of own standard fresh products.
... iib-3: additional jobs in and around village (for the member who stays at village)
iic) Group c behavior for phase II: farmer and familiy do not change attitude for production as prices were same level or higher.
If the "free time" parameter and other subsequent parameters for each farmer such as:
- how open to new ideas?
- knowledge transfer capacity
- adaptation to tasks and management technics
- adaptation of project elements to village and own life style
are not discussed, how a sustainable rural development project can be developed; and can it be realistic? The flow of village life with all above mentioned variable parameters must be well considered and any target project must take part in this cloud of larger and smaller waves. Otherwise, some sort of money is spent just for a rural dream development, removing trust for any other future projecting.
Balancing possible conditions that are summarized at above graphics as per our 5 aspects (social, economics, ecology, time and love) is an initial issue; then, we try to suggest steps to bring positive action for our project:
1. Creating consciouss-groups (end-users) to buy better quality food products, to pay additional premium value (for fresh and especially manufactured; organic, eco-friendly products).
2. Producing accordingly, adding services; transparent production, sharing information.
3. Marketing and information flow for value-added products and services (through local and national media).
4. More products, increased efficiency, decreasing prices, more buyers.
5. Increased social respect, increased ecological respect, better economics, sustainable production, less vulnerability due to market conditions, less migration risk, love is betterly nourished.
4- Continue to Flow (no estimate, no conclusion, but hope)
As the title suggests, do not try to estimate the next. It may happen to have a conclusion but the conclusion that would be reported would probably be wrong. In any case, the project with all known and undetected elements will flow unless hope disappears.
5- "So what?" Analysis
All modern approach have prefered SWOT so far. Did anybody ask "so what?". Maybe yes, but no one answered in most cases.
This part is the only exception where we define the surprising strict rule: "So what?" must be asked and everyone in the project shall answer. Categorize all answers. Make a Bell Curve.
Now, would you like to listen some music:
Schoenberg with Bernstein's comments:
Atonal but totally consistent and easthetics order being still there, as Mr. Bernstein points out.
Challenge: Magnum Opus vs Magnum Vitae. Or none.
Atonal Projecting Examples / Atonal Proje Örnekleri
Example #1: An atonal novel: 1Q84 by Murakami.
Opposite to Orwell's 1984 and all its totalitarian tonality, 1Q84 of Murakami is both individualistic and atonal. 1Q84, although pronounced exactly the same as "1984" (in Japanese), is a super-sarcastism (and also critisism) of system, form, ideology and ethics. Flow is not predictable, amorphous, hardly-consequential.
Örnek #2: Kırsalda atonal proje.
Kırsal yaşam çerçevesinde geliştirilen projelendirmeler genellikle bir sorun yumağıdır. Yaklaşım yöntemindeki hata ihtimali tahmin edilenin epey üstündedir. Yola çıkarken olası arızaları görmek yerine, sadece iyimser tablolar üretmek maalesef, - in situ, kahve sohbetleri keyifli gözükse de, pek işe yaramaz.
Reklamı verilen projelerden bir örnek:
Konut atağını kırsal bölgelere kadar taşıyan TOKİ, tarım köy projeleriyle yeni köyler inşa ediyor.
Bu örnekteki proje tonalitesi tartışmaya açıktır.
Kırsalda atonal olmak bir alternatif değil, tek koşuldur. Doğa değişkendir. İklim değişkendir. Kırsalı çevreleyen koşullar değişkendir. Köylünün değişmezliğine rağmen onu çevreleyen tüm parametreler değişken. Kent ile tam bir çelişki: şehir insanlarının değişkenliğine karşın onu çevreleyen statik dünya!).
Yaşanabilir bir dünyanın ilk koşulu yaşayan kırsalı korumak; onun nimetlerinden faydalanırken zarar vermemektir. Doğa ve insan dostu tarım bunu önerir.
Kırsalda atonal bir proje yaratabilmek için ihtiyaçlar:
- uyumlu ruhlar
- deneyim
- zaman
- topluluk
- doğa
- tarım
- planlama (atonal temelde, yukarıda 'INDEX' bölümü uygun olabilir)
Konuyla ilgili bir yazımıza göz atabilirsiniz.
Atonal süreç:
1- Kalabalıklardan uzaklaşmak, eşyaları azaltmak, çiçekleri çoğaltmak, yeni bir topluluk yaratmak.
2- Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger gibi uygulamalardan ve akıllı cep telefonundan uzaklaşmak.
3- Internetten uzaklaşmak.
4- Toprak-su-ağaç-dağ ile daha çok yakınlaşmak.
5- Az yemek, sevilecek şeyleri daha çok sevmek.
6- Sessizliğe daha çok yaklaşmak.
7- Nefesi değiştirmek.